Cods / Hakes

The gadiformes family etymologically derived from the Latin ‘gadus‘ meaning cod, are a diverse group of fishes that are mostly found in cold waters of both the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, although there are species in all oceans from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Gadiformes species are found throughout the water column, from the benthic habitats of the depths to coastal waters, but mainly in the deeper layers is where they are more frequent. Within the gadiformes we find species as well known to all of us as are the hakes and cods.

With a more or less elongated body, gadiformes are characterized by fins without spiny rays. The pelvic fins, in those species that have them, have 11 soft rays, and are inserted in the body of the animal in a lower plane or frontal to the plane of the pectoral fins. In general, both the dorsal and anal fins are long, and the caudal fin has both globules equal and symmetrical, that is to say it is homocerca in shape.

Practically all the described species of gadiformes, 613 species classified in 13 families (Ranicipitidae, Euclichthyidae, Macrouridae, Steindachneriidae, Moridae, Melanonidae, Macruronidae, Bregmacerotidae, Muraenolepididae, Phycidae, Merlucciidae and Gadidae) and 84 genera, live in salt water. Only one species is known to live permanently in freshwater, and that is Lota lota. A second species, Microgadus tomcod is adaptable to fresh water, although it spends most of its time in salt water. Gadiformes are an order of fishes with special importance in commercial fisheries. Approximately 25% of the species caught worldwide by commercial fisheries belong to the order gadiformes. This is a direct consequence of the fact that these species are highly prized for their exquisite meat.

In terms of size within the gadiformes, this ranges from a mere 7 cm to species that reach 2 meters in length, as is the case of the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).
