Lutjanus monostigma

Lutjanus monostigma belongs to the snappers family (Lutjanidae). It is a species whose geographical distribution is very wide and covers the waters of both the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, from the Marquesas and Line Islands, to East Africa and from Australia to the Ryukyu Islands. It lives in coral reef areas, usually near caves or large coral formations or wrecks. The bathymetric range of the species is from 5 to 30 meters depth.

Source: FAO

The body of Lutjanus monostigma is moderately long, with a maximum total length of 60 cm. The dorsal profile of the head has a moderate straight slope, while the ventral profile is completely flat. Its dorsal fin has a first section formed by 10 spines, which is continued by 13 (very rarely 14) soft rays. As for the anal fin, it has 3 spines and 8-9 soft rays. Both the posterior profile of the dorsal fin and the anal fin are rounded to angular. Finally, the pectoral fins have 15-17 rays, and the caudal fin is truncated or slightly emarginate.

Lutjanus monostigma has a body whose overall color is silver with yellowish to pinkish reflections, and with darker colored scale margins. In the dorsal part of the body, as well as in the head area, the color is more grayish or brownish than in the rest of the body. This species has a black spot on the back , just in the vertical formed by the beginning of the portion of the soft rays of the dorsal fin at the height of the lateral line, although sometimes in certain individuals this spot may be absent. The color of the fins is yellow.

It is a solitary species, which sometimes may form small groups of specimens. The diet of this species of snapper consists mainly of small fish and crustaceans.

On a reproductive level, Lutjanus monostigma reproduces between November and February.



Author: (Cuvier, 1828)
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Teleostei
Order: Eupercaria incertae sedis
Family: Lutjanidae
Genus: Lutjanus

Synonyms: Black spot red snapper, Moses perch, Onespot snapper
Non-accepted names: Lutianus monostigma; Lutianus monostigmus; Lutjanus lioglossus; Lutjanus monostigmus; Mesoprion monostigma

Distribution: Indian, Pacific
Size: 50-60 cm
Depth: 1-60 m

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