Parablennius zvonimiri

The blenny Parablennius zvonimiri is a species native to the Mediterranean and Black Seas, living in shallow coastal waters (2-10 meters) and on rocky bottoms with dim lighting, on vertical walls or near caves.

The body of Parablennius zvonimiri is elongated (<7 cm), slightly flattened laterally, with a slightly rounded head and an obtuse rostrum. As is common in blennid species, the skin of Parablennius zvonimiri lacks scales, and instead secretes a mucous substance. The species is characterized by the presence of medium-sized, branched and irregularly shaped supraocular tentacles (usually followed by small filaments behind the tentacles), as well as somewhat smaller tentacles on the nares. It has a single dorsal fin, with the spiny region (12 spines) and the soft region (18 soft rays) of approximately equal height and separated by a deep notch. The anal fin runs from about half the length of the body to the caudal peduncle, and consists of 2 spines followed by 19-20 soft rays. The pectoral fins are elliptical in shape and consist of 14 rays. The pelvic fins have one spine and 3 soft rays and are located in a jugular position. The body is reddish-brown, with some vertical blue lines on the rostrum. There is a series of 5 to 7 white spots along the back, just below the dorsal fin. Also very characteristic is a black spot located on the caudal fin.

During the months of May to July is when Parablennius zvonimiri specimens reproduce. The males court the females to attract them to their nests by a rocking motion of the head from side to side. If they are successful, both go to the hole where they will lay their clutches by attaching them to the substrate with an adhesive filament. From then on, the male will be the only one in charge of taking care of the clutch. It is very common for a male to take care of the clutches laid by several females in his nest.

The diet of Parablennius zvonimiri is very varied, finding among its main prey small benthic invertebrates such as isopods, amphipods, small shrimp, copepods and small molluscs.



Author: (Kolombatovic, 1892)
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Teleostei
Order: Blenniiformes
Family: Blenniidae
Genus: Parablennius

Synonyms: Zvonimir’s blenny
Non-accepted names: Blennius zvonimiri; Parablennius svonimiri

Distribution: Black Sea, Mediterranean
Size: 7 cm
Depth: 2-10 m

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