
Beryciformes are a very primitive order of fishes, in fact they are considered one of the most primitive orders within the bony fishes (Actinopterygii). There are fossil records of species that lived during the Upper Cretaceous. We are facing an order of fishes generally little studied, very diverse and inhabiting tropical seas generally at great depths, although there are also species of coastal waters. Within this order we find species such as alfonsinos, squirrelfishes and flashlight fishes among others.

As a characteristic feature of the beryciformes species, it is worth mentioning some spines of considerable robustness in their fins. The caudal fin of these species has between 18 and 19 rays. Some species are also characterized by depressions near the eyes, which in certain species may present bacterial growths capable of generating chemiluminescence. The body is laterally compressed, is usually more or less rounded in shape and generally has large eyes that allow them to see in low light conditions such as caves, at night or at great depths, as well as a relatively large mouth located obliquely on the head.

As for the size of the species that make up this order, we find from species that barely reach 8 cm in total length witch is the case of Sargocentron iota, to species that can reach sizes of up to 1 meter in length as is the case of Beryx decadactylus.

The diet of these species is usually carnivorous, feeding mainly on small fish and invertebrates, especially crustaceans.

Beryciformes are mostly nocturnal species, and some species can be found at waters of up to 2,000 meters of depth, while other species approach the surface only during the night time. During daylight hours, and in those species located in shallower waters, beryciformes can be found sheltering in caves or crevices in the rocks.

A total of 104 species of beryciformes are currently known, divided into 2 suborders (Stephanoberycoidei, Berycoidei), comprising a total of 8 families and 24 genera.
